Clinical evidence supporting the efficacy of RIFETECH® Plasma

The study indicates that RIFETECH® Plasma therapy shows
promising therapeutic potential.

  • Research evaluating the efficacy of RIFETECH® Plasma explored its effects on patients with chronic fatigue. The RIFETECH® Plasma device was used to treat fatigue in 100 patients.
  • Treatment with RIFETECH® Plasma brought significant improvement to most patients.
  • The medical practitioners described the therapy as a complete success for 64.5 % of the patients, while 28.2 % of the patients were considered to have partially recovered.

HRV Biofeedback

The effectiveness of the RIFETECH® Plasma technology is boosted by the wireless HRV Biofeedback frequency scanning application.

This approach is based on heart rate variability (HRV) analysis to assess the condition and the responses of the autonomic nervous system to external triggers.

Heart rate variability (HRV)

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a key indicator for monitoring the functions and health of the cardiovascular system.

HRV Biofeedback analyses fluctuations in the intervals between heartbeats to track the autonomic regulation of the heart.

It is possible to detect functional changes within the body using this method before they manifest in conventional medicine.

Harnessing stress stimuli

Stress stimuli trigger an immediate response in the body, characterised by increased activity in the sympathetic nervous system and a faster pulse.

RIFETECH® Plasma uses this principle to intentionally induce stress responses through bioelectromagnetic interactions and specific frequencies.

Unique HRV Biofeedback system

Integrating HRV Biofeedback with traditional Chinese medicine principles and medically induced stress responses defines the unique diagnostic system of RIFETECH® Plasma.

This system provides advanced tools for monitoring and optimising health.