
About The Method

Bioelectromagnetic therapy is a non-invasive method that has the potential to significantly enhance the effectiveness of treatment of many diseases and health problems. Research in this field began with Royal Raymond Rife and his colleagues back in the 1930s. Using new microscope technology developed by R.R. Rife, he found that plasma waves can be used to transmit radio frequencies that are tuned to the frequencies of specific microorganisms, and that each microorganism responds to its own unique frequencies. Dr. Rife, for example, found that staphylococci, streptococci, microorganisms associated with tuberculosis, typhoid, and leprosy, as well as cancer-causing particles and other pathogens recede under the action of certain frequencies that are specific to each organism or particle. Using the principles of Rife's discoveries, various researchers developed devices for transmitting frequencies designed to treat a number of diseases. Dr. Abraham Ginsberg, for example, used a device that produced intermittent bursts of high energy within the shortwave spectrum. The Ginsberg method was found to stimulate the reticuloendothelial system without undesirable heating of the stomach. Ginsberg said he used his device to successfully treat patients with a variety of clinical conditions, including chronic staphylococcal infections, acute otitis media, chronic ulcerative colitis, bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, influenza, and thrombophlebitis.

The latest example of the use of resonance frequency therapy takes the shape of technology developed by Czech company Rifetech s.r.o., with the support of European grant funds in the field of innovation under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. An expert team led by doc. Ing. Vladimír Holcman, Ph.D., Ing. Roberta Macků, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Trčka, Ph.D. from the Institute of Physics, in cooperation with biologist RNDr. Dagmar Jančová, Ph.D., set out to develop a new methodology to account for rapidly changing trends in technology and medicine. Successful simulations, calculations, and modulations of plasma discharge resulted in technology with a highly stable and accurate therapeutic signal. An innovative combination of the specific properties of plasma and pulsed EM field with original frequency protocols acting (not only) on whole genomes of pathogenic microorganisms resulted in a new methodology with very promising therapeutic potential.

Despite increasing use of resonance frequencies, the mechanism of effect underlying the effectiveness of therapeutic resonance frequencies is not fully understood. Although it is known that a certain type of resonance phenomenon weakens or destroys microorganisms, the biophysical or biochemical mechanisms associated with the use of specific resonance frequencies and leading to the inhibition of microorganisms are not fully known. There has never been a methodology that combines effective therapeutic resonance frequencies with a biophysical or biochemical event, process, or structure. The electronic sensing devices and methods that are currently commercially available provide no explanation of or insight into which physical structure or process they affect. It is precisely on these perceived needs that our research focuses, offering up methods for the effective and accurate determination of therapeutic resonance frequencies on whole genomes and partial genomic materials for use in various media with different refractions. The methods of this invention utilise the biophysical and biochemical properties of genomic materials to determine therapeutic resonance frequencies. For example, the length of any object can be considered an object with a resonance frequency based on correlation with the wavelength that is manifested in the surrounding medium. On this basis, it is possible to calculate the length of the biomolecular chains of DNA and RNA, and thus obtain information about the wavelength unique to a particular strand of genomic material.

DNA or RNA chains are constructed in such a way that negatively-charged molecular ions (PO, groups) are helical along the entire length of the molecule on the outer surface of the chain, causing the molecule to contain a relatively large negative charge on its surface. The chain is therefore highly sensitive to the effects of resonant oscillating electromagnetic fields. Resonance is defined as an increase in the amplitude of a system's own oscillation or frequency when exposed to a periodic force whose frequency is equal to or very close to the system's own frequency. The actual oscillation of a system, or part of it, is defined as its "own resonance frequency". In radio engineering, the length of the antenna largely determines how effectively the antenna will respond to the wavelength of energy received by the transmission. Methods for determining therapeutic resonance frequencies use the principle that the length of the helical chain of DNA or RNA can be electromagnetically resonated in a similar way. These methods allow for precise correlations between the resonance frequencies and the length of the genomic material under consideration. If the resonance frequency is generated in the air while the target material is in a different environment, a refractive adjustment is made in this method to ensure that the wavelength travelling from the air transforms the length of the target material. By taking into account an appropriate electromagnetic refractive index for the ambient medium, such as water or tissue, these methods provide the advantage of determining a resonance frequency that is more consistent with the length of the genomic material and its natural resonance frequency, and thus more suitable for application in that particular medium. The natural electromagnetic resonance frequencies of genomes for the most part fall within the infrared region of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. The natural resonance frequencies of genes and smaller portions of DNA or RNA occur in the near-infrared, visible, and near-ultraviolet regions of the spectrum. To overcome such limitations, the resonance frequency is adjusted downwards.

Using genetic coding information, the methods of this invention can also be employed to determine therapeutic resonance frequencies for other subcomponents of genomic material, such as coding associated with enzymes, immune factors, oncogenes, oncogenic growth factors, and other proteins. In the embodiments of this invention, therapeutic resonance frequencies are determined using basic information about the protein, such as how many amino acids there are in the protein chain. Since an amino acid is always encoded with three bases in the messenger RNA, the number of bases for use in determining resonance frequencies can be determined by multiplying the number of amino acids in the protein chain by three.

A number of positive reactions have been recorded in what has so far been informal practice among the doctors and specialised therapists who applied the resonance frequencies obtained using the methods described briefly here using the technology developed by Rifetech s.r.o., with the therapeutic potential proving to be extremely promising.

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Are you interested in our research and development in the sphere of the medical potential of pulsed EM fields and plasma and would like to integrate our technology with your professional therapeutic, rehabilitation, or medical practice? Are you interested in opening up new markets with us, markets that our technology has not yet broken through to? Or would you like to use the background of our expert development team to customize our technology to the specific requirements of your professional practice or client network?

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